Monday, April 20, 2009

Tired of Life And Wrestling Crybabies

The following Blog entry is rated "R"

Parental discretion is advised.

So I came home Saturday night from Ultimate Wrestling's Milton show at the Santa Rosa County Auditorium, all fired up about the fact that someone finally had returned to the SRCA and broke the barriers set by the Santa Rosa County Attorney for insurance. I had a great time. I saw many friends I had not seen in almost two years because some Milton Fans are homebodies and don't travel the highways like Linda, Erick and I do.

Naturally, I wrote about my experience. It is what I do, after all. I translate my feelings and experiences into words which I share with the maybe 10 people who read this blog to actually see what I might have to say, and the 20 more who read this blog with every intention of twisting every word into lies and innuendo and smear and sewer s**t. More on those gutterslime later.

My blog entry centered on the morphing of pink, skipping Dan Delicious into Mike Thrash, angry man. And it complimented the Ultimate Wrestling Team, wrestlers, ring crew, cafe, management and support staff for handing me a really great wrestling evening.

I did not mention that I was behind my table for a large part of the show, by invitation of Ultimate Management. I did not dwell on how great Ironclaw looked and how awesome it is to have him back with his peers, whole and healthy, nor what an intense match the Dog River Boys, Flexx and Rocket VS The Ultimate Legends was. I just laid out an overall picture of a good time for me and my family. It's personal when I go to a wrestling show. I like wrestling and wrestling people.

But there is one facet of wrestling in our area that I don't much enjoy at all - Message Board Trolls.

The conversation on my board inevitably turned to ICON Wrestling and the lackluster attendance figures attributed to them by one poster and three phone callers, each of whom gave me the same figure, 27.

I am not a fan of judging wrestling by the number of fans in the seat. One of the best wrestling performances I have ever witnessed took place with fewer than 20 fans in the house. A show - and I said so - should be judged by quality of matches, overall ambiance and (jokingly) snack bar quality along with the presence of onions for hot dogs.

Further comment ensued and a debate followed. I mentioned that having a business plan would be a swell idea for ICON:

A: who have been trying to run in Milton in a different building than the SRCA

B: who ran on the same night as Ultimate's debut, Ultimate being a seasoned promotion with many shows in its pocket, as opposed to ICON with one low attendance show chalked up prior to the night of discussion, that being the depth of their time together.

c: who offered no visible indication of who would be wrestling, where, or at what time of day, though I am told there was a poster, I never saw it.

There was more, but the gist of it was that a good business plan is a great idea for every promotion to maximize profit, as offered by SMV (Seasoned Mat Veteran) who most everyone has told me is actually, former PWA (and other places) wrestler Steve Cheetum, a fit fellow whom I never saw disappoint in a match.

To that point, the conversation was amicable.

Then things started getting ugly on the Alabama Wrestling Federation message board. Then they started getting really ugly and finally so obscene and twisted that I just had enough and deleted the link, for one reason, that the content massively violated Terms of Service, and for another reason, I had just had enough of pigs, pig s**t and ignorant anonymous grade school dropouts in general.

I love Leigh Anne and Dwayne to death, but this haven for wrestling crybabies, n'er do wells, pretenders and losers and their lies and their cyber terrorist tactics and their posts pretending to be people they aren't is just too much. I don't need the irritation, the distraction of the bulls**t.

The Alabama Wrestling Federation is a jewel in Mobile's crown, but the denizens of that message board are the pus inside an ass pimple and the fact that they are allowed top display that filth drags an otherwise top notch promotion down.

So I popped the pimple. Now the pus is running around complaining and whining and spewing sewage, while my friends are taking care of the real wrestling business of promoting great shows which, if one DID judge by attendance or any other standard, are as close to a perfect business model as one could get.

So why do I care about pus? Or the opinions of pus? Or the mewling and self aggrandizement of pus?

Truth is, I don't.

This is far more attention than they deserve.

People influenced by the writings of pus, deserve all the pus they can get.

It's just the nature of blogging. Oozing, seeping unscabbed wounds on wrestling such as the "people" who have been posting lies about me affect me, despite my friends' urging that i be the "better man" and let it slide.

I think I shall not let it slide.

I think I will click on the "publish" button and let the bastards know that I read their festering droolings and maybe they will get some sick sexual pleasure out of having pissed me off. Then again, they are pus, so who cares about them?

I dropped the ban button on SMV for the disrespect he showed me today. You were wrong "Brandon" it wasn't "too easy" for me to ban you. I thought about it for a whole 30 seconds.

Have fun on the AWF board with all the pusies (that's pronounced pus-eze as in persons who are pus). Take some antibiotic with you.

You're gonna need it.

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