I guess my idea about clowns of any sort run to the funny, occasionally magical, slapstick and rubber nose variety. I know some people for whom clowns are the stuff of nightmares, who would cringe at the sight and sound of Doink just on the general principle of him being a clown, never mind the additional aspect of him being a wrestling clown. It is a matter of preference, this is for certain. And the Alabama Wrestling Federation's Doink certainly does not slack in perpetuating the myth that clowns are from Hell.
That is the beauty of ugliness though. This is not, nor was it ever intended to be your warm and fuzzy huggable clown. Hug this clown and you are likely to not be hugging anyone for a while if you happen to be a wrestler.
So how does one get to be Doink the Clown?
He has to love wrestling more than he loves being loved. He must be a professional pro wrestler, not a partially committed up and comer. He has to be able to whip an insult like a mule skinner whips jackasses on the salt road. He has to know who he is and be proud of that in the face of dislike or dispopularity.
He has to be prepared to babyface without batting an eye when a hard bitten bad guy like Wade Garrett shows up. He may be wrestling General Payne one day and Buff Bagwell the next, so versitility is a must.
If you know who is behind the green hair and mask of AWF's Doink The Clown, then you know a little of the dedication to successful wrestling shows that individual has in his heart. And if you do not know, don't worry about it. Just kick back and enjoy what ever comes your way.
The Alabama Wrestling Federation recently had a show in Loxley, Alabama, at which the above photo was taken by action photographer Lil' Bub, as he is known. If you see him, tell him thanks for the pictures. he works that hard and is that good.
If you have an opportunity, catch an AWF Mobile show whereever it might be near you. Check the Alabama Wrestling Federation Web Site for time and place, and be sure you save a cheer for Steve From Chicago, one of my favorites, and a "Booo" for Doink The Clown, but when you do the latter, save a little appreciation for a veteran of 10 years of hard fought battles in clawing his way to the top of the Gulf Coast Of Alabama ladder.
And just between you and me... get there a little early because there's always a big crowd.
That's not Matt Borne, Steve Keirn, Steve Lombardi or Dusty Wolfe. It's not really "WWE Hall of Famer Doink The Clown" , or even a trained pro wrestler. It's a con artist in bad make-up/mask.