Returning is DJ Pringle, popular (or is it unpopular) heel wrestler who has carved out a path of toppled champions from Pensacola all the way east to Florala, Alabama and beyond. DJ is the son of Percy Pringle, controversial legendary manager of champions coast to coast, but he is a fine wrestling technician all on his own and needs no boost to help him along.
Continuing to dominate is Gothica, Gothic Warrior attended to by Mystress. Street Bandit and his partner Short Bandit are DSPW favorites. The Regulators, whom I don't recall ever seeing before, are scheduled to be there, and although Evergreen McQueen isn't "on the card," I would like to believe he will be there. Minister Zack Johnson stirs things up quite a bit with his unusual demeanor.
I hear great things about Johnny Rebel, compliments from wrestlers and fans alike. Possibly Kage will return. He is one of my favorites.
This new, improved DSPW is looking to put hard times behind them and wants everyone to know that if they attend a DSPW show, staff and talent will pull out all the stops to give them the best time possible.
Now if I can just get some onions in the snack bar . . .