Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stupid is as Stupid Does

The controversey still lingers over AWF Mobile's Crown Princes of Immaturity and Ignorance, otherwise known as "Heatseekers Inc. ," kinda like the stink from an unvented bathroom after a bowel clensing dump. While most people are quick to point out that "some" of the videoes made by these sophomoric idiots were "funny," most draw the line the same place I did.

Now that they think they have me banned from their playpen, they feel free to dump feces on anybody that is not in their personal "clique."

Here is the most recent post from the "legend in his own mind," rookie wrestler Nathan Crown, as reprinted in its entirity from the AWF Mobile Message Board. This also stands as a pretty good example of why they were booted from Gulf Coast Wrestling Online.

The message:

"LOL...Heayseakers have done exactly what they set out to do, and thats stir up HEAT !"

More like "Hee HAW" seekers, who can neither spell, type nor keep a mature thought in their heads. How retarded do you have to be to not be able to spell your own name?

"... the only difference between us and the other boys that wrestle in our area,the ones that are actually worth a ####,is they all say the same things about CBW, and Angel and the others, we just went a little further and said on camera..."

Another difference is that those wrestlers are smart enough to keep their opinions AMONG themselves. The FANS DON"T CARE! It takes a special kind of moron to aggrandize himself at the expense of his peers. Nathan Crown in particular lives in a glass house. As a wrestler, he is not only nothing special, but is actually MUNDANE, a ho-hum, 'is that all there is" performer, uncommonly short in stature and with the inevitable napoleonic complex that accompanies 'little people.'

As for Doink The Clown, here's Dwayne Henderson, business man, husband and father, who wants you to bring your families to AWF; he's standing around in a clown suit insulting everyone and pretending like that disguises him while he boosts his own ego at the expense of others. None of this is about wrestling. It's about crude, immature people being crude and immature.

It's laughable, but in a pitiful sort of a way.

"... there are only 2 promotions in our area that are halfway worth a ####,and yall know who they are, it dont take a smart person to figure it out,just look at the posters for God sakes..."

Yep, that's "graphics master," Nathan Crown's opinion of what makes a good wrestling promotion. So maybe the midget needs to be reminded that it hasn't been so long ago that AWF was driving over to Pensacola from Mobile to get their own posters done by me, and perhaps it would be good to remind him also that all wrestlers and promotions begin humbly. Perhaps he could look up the word humble on the Internet, because he sure doesn't seem to know what it means right now.

I am guessing that this next bit is directed at me, although one wonders why they bothered to "ban" me if they are writing messages to me.

". . . as far as being removed from your board, its not like the draw goes up because our poster is on your board, the boys only attend the shows they work, no fan goes on it anyway..."

The close to 350,000 hits on my web site say that "somebody" must be logging on to Gulf Coast and I doubt that all those people are "workers." Still, since it's no sweat off AWF's brow to be disassociated with our network, and that's fine. I don't claim that AWF is going to dry up and blow away if I kill their links. Far from it AWF Promoter Henderson is a competent promoter and will continue to fill seats in Mobile, no matter how many times he shoots himself in the foot and certainly long after he has squeezed the last drop out of Nathan Crown and kicked him to the curb as, historically, he has down with every "featured performer" with whom he has been associated.

Crown is going to end up being a "has been" before the wet dries from behind his ears. When it happens, remember I told you so. He is the one "lump of coal in the jeweled crown of wrestlers trained at Pringle's School, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is embarassing them every one with his childish antics and petulant "see me" tantrums.

". . . for the so called wanna-be wrestlers we offended, learn to work and not be openly gay ..."

One could offer the same advice to Crown. Being an orange fish in a blue pond just makes it easier for the sharks to see you.

". . .and for all the e-mails and calls ive gotten from the boys who have enjoyed the videos and feel the same way about the poor state that our indy scene is in, thanks. . ."

Part of the "poor state 'our' indy scene is in is due to to idiots like Crown, who, instead of practicing his craft of wrestling, practices the dubious art of being a turd. What a shame he does not know that midgets with ego are passe'. His 15 minutres of fame are here and he will be rememberd as a real-time asshole, rather than a practiced wrestler playing a role.

"... and for buttonhole ..."

That's Crown's gay pet name for me, isn't it pink?

" ... on who would book me, lol, oh i dont know, i recently recieved an e-mail from a promoter that does tv in Nashville and another in Georgia, give it(up) scooter,youll never be one of the boys..."

Nor do I ever WANT to be "one of the boys." I am a 62 year old man who happens to enjoy professional wrestling along with a couple of million other fans. Believe me when I say that wrestling loses its luster and its mistique after a few episodes like this where the inmates are taking over the assylum.

The "email claim" begs the question, if he's getting all these offers, what's he doing wrestling in Lucedale Mississippi, population 3 mules and a librarian, or in high school gyms in Mobile? The AWF never sent a wrestler to a higher promotion in all its years. Does Crown think he will be the first? One has to laugh at the ignorance.

The personal insult that followed is just beyond stupid. Crown wants to hit "below the belt, anmd that is where is focus seems to be these days, on the crotch. It just goes to show what passes for intelligence among "Heat Seekers Inc.

". . . youll just try and play with little boys, and your stank a## wouldnt be in the hospital so much if you werent so #### fat, people like you make hard working men and women sick, drawing a check every month for being fat, shoving weiners and onions in your mouth at every show and getting paid from the government for it. . ."

And of course Nathan Crown wrestles on weekends for $25 a show instead of serving our nation in the military as I did during the Vietnam era to EARN the pension I now live modestly on. Pukes like Crown make me sick with their "holier than thou attitude" and their "scared "####lessness" when it comes to facing the REAL challenges of life.

Want to impress somebody, Crown? Actually WRESTLE in Georgia or Tennessee. Not gonna happen because midgets with ego are just cannon fodder. The boy and I do mean boy, doesn't have enough talent to even be a jobber.

"you peddle your flea market toys and take money outta the boys pocket . . . "

This of course is the same tired old company line that I have been hearing from "selected" Pringleites since Percy got mad at Johnny Angel and put me in the middle. I don't take money "out of the boys' pockets." If "the boys" would spend a dollar and buy some T Shirts or print photographs on quality paper and offer them instead of dashing them off a computer and trying to charge $10 for a picture to somebody they just called white trash from the ring, then maybe they would be selling gimmicks instead of hot air.

Truth is, many do. And those that don't or can't get money enough ahead to buy 12 T shirts just sit around and whine about it and blame me.

Get a clue, ###hole. A $2 dollar rubber Yoyo does not keep a anyone away from a wrestler's gimmick table if he is smart enough to have something on that table someone wants. It's economics 101.

"... watch out big boy, i may end up at a show your at, and your table and scooter might get turned over, if i can get enough guys to help me turn it over while your fat a## is in it."

I am certain that whatever county I happen to be in when that happens will be more than happy to incarcerate him in their jail for assault. At that point, ; lets see how far "fake fighting" gets him. He'll be married all right, not to some stripper, but to some 6'5" bull queer who will be happy to introduce him to the concept of the word "bitch."

At least Adrian Whisper is an honorable man. He fought me to my face and moved on. Crown on the other hand is a punk and the above threat just confirms what people already know.

The rest of the message was personal to other people, and none of my affair, except for Crown's referral to me as a "piece of trash."

I think that divorcing a good Christian girl to marry a stripper, acting like an ###hole and generally being unsavory qualifies Crown as a "piece of trash" but since all that is just "unsubstantiated rumor" I guess I won't resort to name calling.

Truth be known; for an industry that relies solely on fans, I have never seen anyone try so hard to discourage someone from being a wrestling fan as Nathan Crown, Dwayne Henderson and "the boys" who are constantly whining anonymously on-line about me. They attribute an importance to me that does not exist, they insult and denegrate me at every turn, threaten me with physical violence (not that the midget could pull it off) and generally disrespect me as if I were somebody important to them.

Wrestling is a strange religion and I am just unable to figure some parts of it out. One thing is for certain. Nathan Crown has sold his soul to the devil for a glass of Kool-aid.

I wish him luck in his self-made hell.