Friday, September 11, 2009

Crazy In Alabama

Being banned from an independent wrestling web site message board is a lot like being banned from the municipal dump sitting with no fence beside a public road. Who couldn't bypass such a simplistic barrier?

For the most part, the main reason I click into the Alabama Wrestling Federation Message Board is to double check on show dates and make sure that I have an up-to-date poster on my front page. Recently, however, that indy fed has been trying out a new style of promo that basically denegrates wrestlers and other federations in the area. To say that some of those videos are juvenile at best and occasionally bordering on obscenity, would be to treat the work kindly.

The AWF has somewhere near 10 years of continuous operation under its belt, and is consistantly successful in drawing a fair crowd to its events. I can't for the life of me fathom what role simulated oral sex and provocative jabs at independent wrestlers working in other feds has to do with promoting wrestling or putting asses in the seats in a Mobile, Alabama High School gymnasium, but I'm just a "mark" so what do I know about the selling value of tasteless, sophomoric video pranks and 15 seconds of fame on YOUtube.

The content under discussion prompted me to remove the AWF Message Board link from the Gulf Coast Wrestling Online dot com web site. We try to be "family friendly" there and the "Heat Seekers Inc, videos are, as I said, utterly tasteless and downright offensive, truthfully.

So in apparent retalliation for having removed the AWF-MB link, my IP# has been banned from viewing the AWF message Board. This has happened before, and it is always a prelude to piles of posts, anonymous mean-spirited nastiness from some of the most foul spirits to ever take human form. In the old days, I would have put up a fight and gone head to toe with the bastards. These days, I just don't give a #####.

What I am going to do now is to wash my hands of the entire Alabama Wrestling Federation. On completion of this blog entry, I will be removing the AWF completely from my web site and be done with them.

I am physically and emotionally exhausted these days. I spend more time at the VA Medical Center than I do at wrestling and truth be known, I have a lot more fun writing short stories for web fiction sites, than dealing with a few infantile, narcissistic Mobillies whose idea of a wrestling promotional video is to accuse a fellow wrestler of having AIDS.

There are simply far more pressing problems in the world of wrestling that need attention, like who will post Jeff Hardy's bail in the alleged pending narcotics case in North Carolina and who would be dumb enough to book Nathan Crown with his present attitude of "Holier than Everybody."

Life is short. Too short to sweat the small stuff.