Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The bottom Line Is . . .

On September 17, (Previously read 16th in error-sometimes I don't know what day it is) 2009 at 3:00 PM, in the absence of a video apology, the AWF web site will change status from "suspended" to "deleted."

No further explanation will be offered.

I expect it to be done - or not be done, depending whether ego and false pride are more important to the AWF Promoter than the Internet part of his business.

Either way, at 3:00 AWF fans will either be able to log onto their premotion's web site or be forced to wait until AWF management can figure out how to make a new one.

The offending videos that are at the heart of this issue hurt many people and I am doing this for them, and for myself. Somebody has to say enough to crassness and stupidity.

I say enough.