Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blog Beginnings - The opening entries

I abandoned blogging a few years ago for the simple reason that people were attacking evey single word I wrote as though the fate of the world depended on winning some imagined contest with me. Since that time, I have maintained Gulf Coast Wrestling without speaking my mind completely, preferring to avoid loud talking, controversey and turmoil.

Now, though, I think it is time for me to roll out another blog. Maybe it will entertain. Maybe it will enrage. I do not know what the future holds, only that I must write to live.

This blog will not be strictly about pro wrestling. It will be about me, my friends, my enemies, my life and how the beginning of my 60's so dramatically overshadow my previous life.

For those who don't know me, I am a writer, a publisher, an afficinado of pro wrestling, a fantasy fiction and role playing game fan and a huckster, which is to say, a purveyor or seller of stuff both neat and interesting.

I travel to wrestling and sci-fi conventions obstensively to participate, but as much to sell stuff I have bought for resale.

The "huckster" part offends WWE Legendary Former Manager to the point of stupidity, a situation I will not belabor now, but a situation that vexes me continuously.

I have several friends whom I interact with regularly bot in Sci Fi and Wrestling and they will appear here from time to time. I have many acquaintences some of whom are friends and some of whom bitterly oppose my continuing ability to breathe, the latter sarcastically spoken because death is something few wish upon anyone.

I write in a style of english that makes some folks crazy. They mistake vocabulary for pretentiousness and wish I would speak more plainly. To them I offer no apology and suggest as a way of keeping up.

I can be abrasive, irritating and downright self-rightous at times, a character flaw that does nothing to endear me to folks.

Sorry about that.

I maintain opinions about independent pro wrestling, in particular in my little panhandle corner of the world. Some say I have no right to opinions because I have never stepped into a ring as part of a show. But as a fan advocate, with 14 years of attendance to my credit, I pretty much have a feeling for things wrestling. I even promoted a show once and accompanied an expert promoter to many others.

The blog itself will be "G" or "PG rated. The comments, I won't swear to because I bring out the worst in some folks, especially anonymous ones.

That's it.

The first fall is over.

There will be more to come for sure, maybe daily, but certainly often.

Welcome here, and if you return, in advance, welcome back

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