Saturday, March 21, 2009

DSPW Table Controversy In Context

Yesterday, I got a call from Bobby Wilson, the "other" guy with a table who sets up at wrestling shows. He informed me that DSPW has extended him a blanket offer to come to any DSPW show and set up his table absolutely free of charges.

Good luck with that, Bob. As long as you are dealing with Mickey, you should be OK.

And you folks thought that I was the king of cheap shots.

Funny thing is, I think Bobby and DSPW are a perfect fit. Bobby has forgotten more about promoting wrestling than Mickey or "Tiny" either one, which makes him a prime candidate to unstop the cork that is holding back attendance numbers in Brewton and Pensacola. Secondly, Bobby is a senior citizen on a fixed income who can use the extra few shekels earned. Lastly, there should be no shenanigans about fees and stuff like that from Tiswell, because Bobby doesn't like him either, and will tell him unhesitatingly to go ##### himself, first time Tiswell starts to toss around his "authoritah" (to quote a South Park fat kid).

This is far from the first time someone has tried to pit Bobby and I against each other. It has happened often because the gentleman and I have a stormy history of disagreement. I have been saying for more than a year to Mickey that Bobby is an asset that exceeds any liabilities. Glad he has finally decided to bring the old warrior out of retirement. Allowing him a free table will be getting him cheap.

In other news, The AWF (Chipley) Wassau show was an absolute success. The cage matches went over well. Seeing Bullet Bob in a cage was a little frightening, but hero that he is, he overcame the evil dog people and their nudist buddy who was a fake referee and taught them a lesson.

More about that in a later post.

Pork Chop (our new dog) made his wrestling table debut last night and then promptly sought shelter with Lynda, having discovered that 50 degree temperatures made him shiver.

Long ride home. 268 mile round trip, but I met some great people.

Congratulations to Special Olympian, Woodie, who recently won TWO gold medals.

Now, it's off to the car show. Man does not live by wrestling alone.