More importantly, after an almost two year wrestling drought in Santa Rosa County, Ultimate will be the first to rain drop kicks, supplexes, arm bars and body slams on fans that have literally been starved of their favorite entertainment.
There have been many attempts to establish a wrestling franchise at the SRCA. Some have failed spectacularly, like the show organized a few years ago by Wendell Cooley that drew less than 30 people over a Christmas Holiday. Some have rocked the roof, like PWA's 400 tickets sold barn burner that many people talk about still as being the best overall show seen in that building in the last 15 years.
Many others have had well attended shows; XW-2000, for example, Old School, who maintained consistent quality for a very long time, only to be train-wrecked over insurance issues. High Impact offered spectacle beyond imagination, once "planknapping" Kornbred's little friend and pretending to cut him up with a chain saw so as to shake the concentration of the Gentle Giant. And let's not forget WXW, and Afa, The Wild Samoan, who brought to town some incredible production values.
Very big shoes for Ultimate to fill, nes pas?
I believe they are up to the task. Click on the poster above right and study the line-up for what they are describing as "3 solid hours of Wrestling Fun" OK, I admit, I added the "of wrestling fun" but hey, I call 'em like I see 'em, and I can't see that any grass will be growing on this show.
Especially anticipated by me personally will be Rikki (The Rocket) Roberts, managed by Marcel Pringle, one of my oldest favorite wrestlers from this area. Rikki is this year's Greater Gulf Coast Reunion Horizon Award winner and fans in Milton will be enjoying this outstanding wrestler as a part of an overall well-planned event.
I have been honored with an invitation to attend Ultimate's inaugural show in Milton and bring my "table" with me. I have laid in a supply of both baseball and cowboy hats, as well as dragons and other stuff Milton fans like. Additionally, I have wrestling T shirts, as well.
I hope to see you all in Milton. Bring a can of food for the food bank and get a discount on your ticket.
n'est-ce pas? definition
ReplyDeleten'est-ce pas? (nes pä′)
Etymology: Fr, is it not?
It is French. I do that occasionally in hopes that someone will chase down the phrase, identify the language and have a little fun with it. :)