Monday, December 14, 2009

The Grinch That Stole Wrestling

T'was the week before Christmas and throughout Gulf Coast Wrestling
It seemed like about everybody was fighting and hassling
Throughout all of Online there arose such a clamor
that promoters seemed ready to draw down on a rumor!

Petty fights over venues and personal name calling
spun wide across message boards scratching and clawing
Shoot posts from green wrestlers and videos tasteless
and wild accusations both useless and baseless

With different non wrestlers throwing gasoline on the pyre
It looked like pro wrestling would be consumed in fire.
Everyone it seems wants to get in some blows
and they tell me , "Yeah, there'll be peace when it snows.

It's the Grinch that stole wrestling rearing his ugly head
sowing hatred and discontent, wanting wrestling to be dead
and promoters are all buying into his ugly plan
being selfish and boorish again and again.

But there's hope - yes there's hope for our wrestling scene
if only folks would just stop being so mean
and looked to the season's unselfish clime
and just thought of families and fans for a time.

No sniping or snipping or smarmy revelations
no deep cutting words or angry proclamations
no lables or gossip or idle mud slinging
Kill the Grinch who stole wrestling and the hate he is bringing

And maybe, just maybe we all can agree
that our sport is entertainment for the whole family
So let prosperity for all promotions come forth
and lead to indy wrestling peace on the earth.