Hailing from "An alternate universe near you," Kidd's main reason for entering the rough and tumble world of pro wrestling is to "explore relational physics and meet some cool girls."
"Relational physics is, of course, the study of objects in motion and at rest," Says Kidd. "An object at rest tends to stay at rest until a force compells it to move."
He adds, "A body in motion tends to remain in motion unless an opposing force greater than that motion is applied."
That force tends to be any opponent who sees Kidd dressed like a pink Lollipop in the center of a wrestling ring.
As for meeting cool girls, well that part was easy, as So Fabulous was legally adoped by every female at DSPW Pensacola last Friday, none of whom could resist squeezing cheeks and uttering phrases like "HOW adorable," and "I wish that mean wrestler would stop throwing them on the FLOOR!.
So Fabulous will be appearing at DSPW Brewton's National Guard Armory Show on May 16th.
Kidd says, "See you there, Sweetie," but I am not sure to whom he is speaking.
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